Tro ve trang chu

Để tìm hãy chọn và gõ vào ô chữ tên của file đã đăng ở website này: chuyện ngắn, thơ, tin tực v.v., thí dụ: LAM_SAO_NOI_DOI_KHONG_BI_PHAT_HIEN sau đó đưa con nháy vào đầu dòng:

DANH MUC những gì đã đăng ở giờ âu - A LIST of what posted in gioau:

1/Chuyen ngắn: Chuyện hình sự (truy na toi pham - Criminal stories), (Tự chữa bệnh không cần gọi bác sỹ - independent treatment of diseases), thơ (poetry), tintức (News), tâm linh, KHKT, xã hội v.v.:

LAM_SAO_NOI_DOI_KHONG_BI_PHAT_HIEN; UCRAINA_HO_CHIEU_NUOC_NGOAI; HANH_LANG_XANH_CHO_QUAN_NGA; t Nga: RU_UCRAINA_HO_CHIEU_NUOC_NGOAI; t Nga: RU_GREEN_CORRIDOR; Trinh_do_chuyen_mon_cua_Clinton; Nguoi_My_thay_truyen_tin_ve_cac ung_cu_vien; cac_co_gai_khien_bao_nguoi_ao_uoc; t Anh: 500,000 People Sign Petition Asking Electoral College to Pick Clinton as President; t Anh: Trump says health care, border, jobs are top priorities; Nua_trieu_nguoi_dang_don_cau_thinh_doi_cho_Clinton_Hillari_lam_tong_thong; Trump noi cam soc suc khoe, bien gioi, cong viec - uu tien hang dau; t Anh: transition team of Trump; Nhom_chuyen_giao_cua_Trump_ve_viec_thatam_linhnh_lap_Chinh_phu; t Anh: transition team of Trump_1; Nam_Carolina_nguoi_phu_nu_tim_thay_con_song_bi_xich; Lam the nao de chua loan nhip tim; Lam the nao de chua loan nhip tim nhanh tri cai kho co cai khon; Dieu tri loan nhip tim - Di LX thay Tiep; Dieu tri loan nhip tim - Tap trung di o Kinh Tai; Tai bien loan nhip tim - Dieu tri triet tieu; Linh_hon_nguoi_khac_nhap_Co_khong; Donald Trump lam mem lap truong; Cuong do 7 8 cua tran dong dat o New Zealand; Su thay doi kien truc nen mong dat; Mot lan suyt bi lam nhan banh nuong; Tim kho vang bi an; Tim kho vang bi an Phan 2 va het; truy_na_toi_pham hay_cuu_vot_the_xac_toi; ; truy_na_toi_pham hay_cuu_vot_the_xac_toi Phan 2 va het; khong_su_kien_nao_trong_doi_la_khong_bi_ghi_lai; mot_chuyen_di_Vn_ky_HD; t Nga: December_04_2016_delovaia_poezdka_vo_Vietnam_ru; t Nga: ; tiengNga; xahoi; vietnam; tintucchung; chuyenngan; ChA; suckhoe; chuabenh; tam_linh; t Nga: rus_December-07-2016_Poliot_Dubai_HCM; Chuyen_bay_Dubai_HCM_Thang12_04_2016; Thang12_10_2016_cuoc_hanh_trinh_o_Vn; t Nga: rus_December-12-2016_Puteshestvie_po_Vietnamu; Thang12_13_2016_Ky_va_thuc_hien_HD; t Nga: rus_December-18-2016_Chut_ne_popalsia; congnghe; vn_12_23_16_chua_dau_tim_dot_bien; Co_gai_toc_vang_vn; t Nga: blondinka_s_prichioskoi_babbeta; t Anh: Taiwan Scrambles Jets Navy as China Aircraft Carrier Enters Taiwan Strait; t Anh: Obama tearfully thanks his wife in emotional moment; t Anh: Taiwan_Scrambles_Jets_Navy_as_China_Aircraft_Carrier_Enter_Taiwan_Strait; t Anh: Obama_tearfully_thanks_his_wife_in_emotional_moment; vn_01_23_17_tu_dia_nguc_tro_ve; t Nga: rus_January-23-2017_iz_ada_vernulsija; t Nga: 19 rus lechit serdechnuju bol; t Anh: 20 en cure heart pain; t Nga: 65 rus lechit serdechnuju bol; t Anh: 68 the_stories; t Anh: 69 back_from_hell; vn_March-05-2017_chua_dau_xuong_khuy_tay; t Anh: cure_elbow_bone_pain; t Nga: rus_March-17-2017_cure_elbow_bone_pain; t Anh: news_04-10-17; vn Mung tuoi ngay Tet; vn tu chua tao bon; t Anh: news_04-14-17; t Anh: news_05-07-17; vn June-05-2017 Ai duoc bao se chet; dung giet suc vat; Thiet ke trang web khong dat; t Nga: ru do not kill animals; t Nga: ru creating sites; t Anh: elimination of cruelty to animals; t Anh: creating sites; but gan nha khong thieng; t Anh: such people; t Nga: ru such people; Co nhung nguoi nhu vay; ket ban; Ky Su hay dung chia se; t Nga: my neighbor ru; Tu ban moi ro; t Anh: Only exact diagnosis; t Nga: ru only exact diagnosis; vn only exact diagnosis; dung tuong bo; ruou tho; Em A em Au; t Anh: Ukraine tests anti-tank missiles; KIEM TIEN NHO BAN TOT; t Nga: ru earn money thanks to a good friend; t Anh: earn money thanks to a good friend; nau ruou; t Anh: John McCain died; bi tom tai cau thang may bay; tho tinh lan tranh; t Nga: former prisoner ru; t Nga: for sale the ready material of a english book in MSOffice; t Anh: english book in MS office doc for sale; t Nga: forsale_the_ready_material_of_an_english_book_in_MSOffice; THUOC THAN GIA TU; t Nga: miraculous_elixir_to_cure_all_of_death_ru; t Anh: miraculous elixir to cure all of death; t Nga: independent_treatment_ofgastritis_ru; tu chua viem da day; t Anh: TREAT GASTRITIS yourself; t Nga: ru self treatment of gastritis; DUOC THA VI KHONG AN DUONG MUOI; t Nga: NO SALT AND SUGAR RU; t Anh: NO_SALT_AND_SUGAR; Tiep theo tu dieu tri viem da day; t Anh: TREAT GASTRITIS without calling a doctor; t Nga: ru continue treatment of gastritis without a doctor; t Nga-Viet: 24_THAY_DOI_LEXICON_T_VietNGAYNAY; t Nga-Viet: 25_THAY_DOI_LEXICON_T_Viet; khong_bop_coi_oto;

Tiep theo duoi day - see more below - Продолжение внизу:


1/ru - t Nga:






2/t Viet:














3/t Anh:

